21 May 2012 @ 03:27 pm
Carol Adams also proposes a quintessential relationship between men and meat. In a polemical and emotive account entitled The Sexual Politics of Meat (1990), she suggests that meat-eating is a symbol of patriarchy. ‘Meat-eating’, she says, ‘is the re-inscription of male power at every meal’ (1990:187). For Adams, the fate of women and animals is inextricably linked. They are both tyrannised and violated by men and her analysis equates the physical and sexual subjugation of women to the butchery of animals. Thus, feminism and vegetarianism are similar struggles against a common—male—oppressor.
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on May 21st, 2012 - 03:31 pm
ai, ir atrodamas TIK daudzas lieliskas, neticami uzjautrinošas it kā akadēmiskas lietas par visu šo :D

At one point she even argues that, ‘just as it is thought a woman cannot make it on her own, so we think that vegetables cannot make a meal on their own’ (1990:33)(..) she champions the vegetarian cause and urges the reader to stop eating meat because only through removing meat from a meal can the structure of patriarchal culture be actively threatened.
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[info]antirealist on May 21st, 2012 - 03:39 pm
dārzeņfeminisms :D nu visādus apytrakušu feministu murgus esmu dzirdējis, bet šis stāv līdzās tam, ka jēzus esot bijis sieviete.
tā notiek, kad vairs nav īsti ko darīt, jo normālais feminisms sevi jau ir izsmēlis, viss ir sasniegts, balsstiesības, darba vietas, iesaiste valsts vadībā utt. bet strādāt ta negribas tāpat kā agrāk, bet tiesības kačāt gribas joprojām, tad nu nāk pērles.
un šis steitments man kā veģetārietim liekas sevišķi klīnisks :]
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on May 21st, 2012 - 03:42 pm
par to, ka viss ir sasniegts, atļaušos oponēt, visur jau tā īsti nav. tas gan, protams, neattaisno apsēstas, krūšturus dedzinošas feministes. :D

bet jābeidz prokrastinēt, un tas jau arī neattiecas uz tēmu.
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[info]antirealist on May 21st, 2012 - 03:46 pm
"viss" tas, protams, ir vispārināti, piekrītu. bet sākotnējie postulāti ir lielos vilcienos realizēti. atlikušas diskutablas detaļas un nianses.
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