25 August 2017 @ 12:12 pm

and I wonder what it says about me
that I feel pretty in a dress,
but powerful in a suit.

If misogyny has been coiled
inside of me for so long,

I forget I will not stand
before an impatient judge

with an Adam's apple, hand grasping
gavel, ready to pound a wooden mark.

Give me a God I can relate to.
Commandments from a voice
both soft and powerful.

Give me one accomplishment of Mary's
that did not involve her vagina.

Give me decisions. A wordless
wardrobe. An opinion-
less dress.

Give me a city where my body
is not public property.

Once, my friend and I got catcalled
on Michigan avenue, and she said
Fuck you, while I said Thank you

like I was trained to.

//Blythe Baird
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on August 25th, 2017 - 01:24 pm
interesanti, ka mājaslapā ir nedaudz cita versija:

Give me the bad days not blamed on
my gender. Give me the full dollar.
Give me a city where my body
is not public property.

Give me no makeup.
My sister once asked me why boys
look fine without makeup and girls don’t-
it is because no one ever accused them
of not looking good without it.

Give me a God I can relate to,
commandments from a voice
both soft and powerful. Give me
one accomplishment of Mary’s
that did not involve her vagina.

Give me a childhood that pushes
me to change the world, rather than
change myself. Give me decisions.
Give me a wordless wardrobe.
Give me an opinion-less dress.

We are the girls petrified of boys at
business schools, learning from men
who manifested success
by refusing to take no
for an answer.
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briinumcepuminjsh[info]french_mime on August 25th, 2017 - 03:55 pm
Somebody said Mary was raped by God because technically she never consented to being impregnated.
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on August 25th, 2017 - 03:56 pm
jā, to teicu es pagājušajā nedēļas nogalē :P
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briinumcepuminjsh[info]french_mime on August 25th, 2017 - 03:58 pm
Lol. Sorry!
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on August 25th, 2017 - 03:59 pm
hehehe. nekas, bija jau vēls un Tev tā vīna pudele :D
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astrālais ķermenis kedās[info]nervukamolis on August 25th, 2017 - 04:25 pm
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on August 25th, 2017 - 04:40 pm
tas bija joks citas, nesaistītas sarunas kontekstā. zinu, ka lielākoties balstoties uz tādiem argumentiem kā šeit minētais http://www.amm.org/faq/Choice.aspx , tiek uzskatīts, ka piekrišana tika dota.

es gan jebkurā gadījumā teiktu, ka būtu bijis foršāk to izteikt nevis kā apgalvojumu/pieprasījumu, bet gan jautājumu a la "gribi piedalīties šādā pasākumā?", bet - citi laiki, citi tikumi, turklāt ir jau daudz spekulāciju par to, kas varētu būt pazudis tulkojumā. plus, es principā vairs neesmu kristiete, tā ka ir skaidrs, ka neesmu ne pietiekami iedziļinājusies, ne arī tādā pozīcijā, lai varētu/gribētu uztvert un saprast visas nianses.
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astrālais ķermenis kedās[info]nervukamolis on August 25th, 2017 - 04:47 pm
dziļš kniksis tavām argumentācijas spējām. :)
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cukursēne[info]saccharomyces on August 25th, 2017 - 05:19 pm
nedaudz pagūglēju, man patīk arī šis raksts par tēmu: https://www.theatlantic.com/sexes/archive/2012/12/let-it-be-marys-radical-declaration-of-consent/266616/ manuprāt, veiksmīga argumentācija un ļoti jauks nobeigums.
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astrālais ķermenis kedās[info]nervukamolis on August 25th, 2017 - 05:32 pm
labs :) un, hehe, beigas tiešām lieliskas. Paldies.
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