lasu/tulkoju metodisko materiālu skolām ēdiena projektā, un man reāli gribas lielu daļu no tās informācijas rakstīt uz sienām vai citādi izplatīt visur, visur, visur. zināju, ka ir visādas problēmas, vai ne. bet par daudz ko es nezināju, ka ir tik slikti.
"Although 7,000 species of plants have been cultivated in human history, presently, 75 percent of the world’s food is generated from only 12 plants and five animal species"
"Already one-third of the world’s arable land is used to feed livestock. By 2050, half of the arable land may be needed to feed livestock"
"We use about 1.4 billion hectares of farmland to produce food that will never be eaten. This is more than the total surface of China"
galu galā, štrunts par krānu aizgriešanu un nebraukšanu ar auto, izskatās, ka daudz jēgpilnāk ir domāt, ko ēdam:
"When fruits and vegetables are transported by air, they consume between 10 to 20 times more fuel than the same fruit or vegetable produced locally during the season; 1 kg of strawberry in the winter can require up to 5 litres of fuel to reach you"
"There is an estimated 2,400 litres of virtual water in a hamburger"
"About 250 billion m3 of water were used to produce 1.3 billion tons of food that was ultimately wasted. This is as much as the annual flow of the Volga, the largest river in Europe"
"Although 7,000 species of plants have been cultivated in human history, presently, 75 percent of the world’s food is generated from only 12 plants and five animal species"
"Already one-third of the world’s arable land is used to feed livestock. By 2050, half of the arable land may be needed to feed livestock"
"We use about 1.4 billion hectares of farmland to produce food that will never be eaten. This is more than the total surface of China"
galu galā, štrunts par krānu aizgriešanu un nebraukšanu ar auto, izskatās, ka daudz jēgpilnāk ir domāt, ko ēdam:
"When fruits and vegetables are transported by air, they consume between 10 to 20 times more fuel than the same fruit or vegetable produced locally during the season; 1 kg of strawberry in the winter can require up to 5 litres of fuel to reach you"
"There is an estimated 2,400 litres of virtual water in a hamburger"
"About 250 billion m3 of water were used to produce 1.3 billion tons of food that was ultimately wasted. This is as much as the annual flow of the Volga, the largest river in Europe"
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