27 April 2013 @ 03:05 am
oh, tim ♥  
An education in anthropology (..) serves not just to furnish us with knowledge about the world, but to educate our perception of the world. It is to join with people in their speculations about what life might or could be like, in ways nevertheless grounded in a profound understanding of what life is like in particular times and places.

This project seeks to reconfigure the relation between practices of inquiry in the human sciences and the forms of knowledge to which they give rise. Its fundamental premise is that knowledge is not created through an encounter between minds furnished with concepts and theories, and a material world already populated with objects, but grows from the crucible of our practical and observational engagement with beings and things around us in the very processes of thought. Knowledge, we contend, comes from thinking with, from and through beings and things, not just about them.
(..) re-establishing anthropology as an art of inquiry, dedicated not to the interpretation of what has already come to pass but to finding pathways along which life can be carried on.

labi, ka man īpaši negribas (un arī būtu bail, hah, i am indeed proficient at doubting my own mental capacities) stāties uzreiz pēc maģistra doktorantūrā, citādi tagad būtu vēl visam pa virsu izmisīgi un aizrautīgi jāraksta pieteikums kādai no vietām tima projektā.
27 April 2013 @ 03:49 am
The psychological changes that were brought on by dieting, even among these robust men with only moderate calorie restrictions, were the most profound and unexpected. So much so that Dr. Keys called it “semistarvation neurosis.” The men became nervous, anxious, apathetic, withdrawn, impatient, self-critical with distorted body images and even feeling overweight, moody, emotional and depressed. A few even mutilated themselves, one chopping off three fingers in stress. They lost their ambition and feelings of adequacy, and their cultural and academic interests narrowed.

// Sandy Szwarc, How we’ve come to believe that overeating causes obesity

nu, pēc šī jau nav nekāds brīnums, ka cilvēki iedzīvojas visādās eating disorders - sāc ierobežot ēšanu un jūties tikai sliktāk, ha.
27 April 2013 @ 10:56 am
akdievs, baisākais murgs pēdējā laikā. viens no briesmīgākajiem murgiem manā dzīvē.

sapņoju, ka kaut kādu iemeslu dēļ vecāki bija ļāvuši brālim donēt kādu orgānu mammai, un viņš operācijas laikā bija nomiris, sapnī tās jau nebija svaigas ziņas, bet es biju tik nelaimīga joprojām, un dusmīga, un sapņa gaitā sapratu, ka es esmu pārliecināta, ka labāk gribētu, lai nomirusi ir mamma, un brālis ir dzīvs. bet kaut kāda strīda laikā pat sapnī es to viņai atklāti nepateicu, jo likās, ka nav vērts viņu sāpināt, brāli jau tas neatdzīvinātu. tieši pēc tam arī pamodos, varbūt tas bija atalgojums par ētisku rīcību. vēl sapnī domāju, ka varbūt mums bija (IR! thank god.) tik labas attiecības un mēs pavadījām tik daudz laika kopā, lai kompensētu par to, ka viņš nomirs, kā tāda neapzināta priekšnojauta, smth. ai, pretīgi visu šo pat atcerēties.

pirms tam iepriekšējā sapnī man bija pašai jāpaņem sev no vēnas asins paraugs kaut kādam eksperimentam.