13 June 2016 @ 06:08 pm
I was a lower class boy who made it big in the middle class world. I am not impressed with either one of those provincial states of mind. I don't have much respect for other cultures either. Bullshit abounds everywhere the world over as far as I can tell. When I am in Rome I do not want to do as the goddamned Romans do because they are just as fucked up as I am, or worse.


We all lie like hell. It wears us out. It is the major source of all human stress. Lying kills people. The kind of lying that is most deadly is withholding, or keeping back information from someone we think would be affected by it. (..) Keeping secrets and hiding from other people is a trap. Adolescents spend most of their time playing this hide-and-seek game. The better you are at getting by with playing hide-and-seek during adolescence, the harder it is to grow up.


The mind is a jail built out of bullshit. This book tells how the bullshit jail of the mind gets built and how to escape. This is a "how to" book on freedom. Withholding from other people, not telling them about what we feel or think, keeps us locked in the jail. The longer we remain in that jail, the quicker we decline. We either escape, or we go dead. The way out is to get good at telling the truth.

//Brad Blanton, 2005, Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life by Telling the Truth
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gamall: es pazudīšu[info]gamall on June 13th, 2016 - 09:14 pm
Man mērķis būt atklātai ar pilnīgi visiem liekas tik neaizsniedzami tāls, ka izdomāju iemeslus, kāpēc tas nemaz nav vajadzīgs. Bet es apzināti cenšos sev tuvumā turēt cilvēkus, ar kuriem atklātība ir mana pirmā reakcija, jo neredzu nekādu jēgu no tuvības, ja tuvības laikā ir kaut kas jāizliekas. Ir visādi forši cilvēki, ar kuriem gribētos draudzēties, bet netieku viņu sabiedrībā vaļā no sajūtas, ka esmu uz skatuves, un man to nevajag.
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