20 August 2010 @ 03:40 pm
māmiņa ir sākusi pazaudēt lietas.
biežāk nekā agrāk.

es saku - nekas, viss būs labi, atradīsies pavisam negaidīti, es citēju markesu par lietu pazaudēšanu, es smejos un pavisam nemanāmi domās uzdodu sev to pašu jautājumu, ko droši vien mēs visi, varbūt izņemot brāli, es nezinu par viņu, bet varbūt arī viņš uzdod sev to pašu jautājumu, bet varbūt nepamana.

to pašu jautājumu - is this a coincidence, or is this it, is this another thing that won't go away, that is only the beginning of new kind of neuro-degeneration.
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[info]komeeta_naak on August 20th, 2010 - 11:40 pm
oh fuck.
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remedia: jūra[info]remedia on August 22nd, 2010 - 12:49 pm
I have a relative, a 30-year-old lady with two little kids. Not as close a reltive as a mother, but still, family is important. She's worse off already. By much. I really really feel for you and hope it goes as slow as possible.
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