21 April 2014 @ 07:19 pm
study how porn stars relate to the camera with their eyes un citi derīgi padomi  
I am speaking to you as man. You may find what I have to say to be weird. You may get offended. But if you want a man's true love, you will need to learn how to manipulate a man. When you learn how a man thinks, you will be able to trick a man into loving you. I guarantee that even if you don't believe in playing men. The reality is that someone always gets played. If you have proper motives, it's ok to play a man, with the God given gifts you have. Remember it's your right and privilege to have the man of your dreams. (..) A man wants to love you. Before he can love you, he will have to notice you. That's why you need to become a combination of a sweet virgin, a dominatrix, a porn star and a nurse.

//Mike Valasek, How To Make Him Love You (and marry you)

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pelnufeja[info]pelnufeja on April 21st, 2014 - 08:29 pm
Nē, tas bija jautājums par to konkrēto grāmatu, es zinu Tavu attieksmi pret pirkšanu.
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