Ir lietas, ko līdz šim pati nebiju spējusi IB zina visu vienmēr labāk :D, un dažs labs IB skolotājs ir paskaidrojis, ar ko es nodarbojos, tas ir, nodarbošos rīt un parīt. I couldn't have said better :D
After trusting our creative right brains by highlighting key words that stand out, imagining how you might stage the poem/passage, what lines would be repeated, which ones deleted, what would e spoken softly or loudly and why, after we free-associate, brainstorm and play with the poem/passage, and let the meaning evolve or emerge, we sit down and get into the left-brain.
The organizer, the linear thinker must take over. We start at the beginning and work through the piece, for which we now have a sense. When we write a commentary, we remain focused on the piece we are responding to, scrutinizing, studying, and analyzing.
We eat the piece. . . we smell it, lick it, savor it, chew it, swallow it, spit it, savor it again, swallow it once more, and in one sign of full and delicious digestion, we burp. . . we tell it as we have experienced it. . . and there it is: "the commentary."