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[Links:| [ieraksti] [latest] [tags] u:makeyourbed ]

26. Okt 2023|13:50


A sense of home. You can buy a house. But home is born from living in it. Cook in the kitchen, sit at the table and have a meal. Sleep. Lie down in the living room and read a book. Get friends to come over. That’s how your property becomes your home.

A home has to be built. You can start from scratch: felling the trees, peeling and chopping the logs… dear god, let’s move on. Take over someone else’s home and change it to your liking. At least change the wallpaper. No need? Well, go through every square inch of the place, move the furniture around, change the bed linens, hang your pictures on the wall, and put your food in the fridge. Do something. A home is born from living in it.

You don’t even need to make repairs. So what if it looks like a run-down shanty? As long as you clean it up (and yourself, too), it’ll be home.
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