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[19. Dec 2024|18:30]
... tālāk ... )
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Norway’s checklist for emergency supplies [16. Nov 2024|13:30]

  • Food that can be stored at room temperature

  • Gas barbecue grill, cooker or camping stove

  • Warm clothes, blankets, duvets and sleeping bags

  • Matches and candles

  • Firewood, if you have a wood-burning stove or a fireplace

  • Gas heater or paraffin stove intended for indoor use as an alternative to wood-burning

  • Arrangements for accommodation if you do not have an alternative heating source

  • Flashlights/torches or headlamps that use batteries, cranks or solar power to operate

  • A DAB radio that operates using batteries, cranks or solar power

  • Medication and first-aid equipment

  • Iodine tablets (applies to children, adults under the age of 40, and those pregnant or breastfeeding)

  • Personal hygiene items, such as wet wipes, hand sanitiser, diapers/nappies and menstruation products

  • Batteries and fully charged power bank(s)

  • Some cash and multiple payment cards

  • Food and water for any pets

  • List (hard copy) of important phone numbers, such as emergency numbers, urgent care, veterinarians, family members, friends and neighbours

  • Clean drinking water stored in kegs or bottles

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[30. Okt 2024|08:00]
“Everybody needs to take a break now and then,” said Jamison.”

Excerpt From
The Fix
David Baldacci
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Struggle Jennings - Monte Carlo [13. Sep 2024|22:30]
Struggle Jennings - Monte Carlo
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[1. Sep 2024|13:03]
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[29. Aug 2024|17:45]
“Words – spoken or written – are what connect us to the world, and so speaking about it to people, and writing about this stuff, helps connect us to each other, and to our true selves.
I know, I know, we are humans. We are a clandestine species. Unlike other animals we wear clothes and do our procreating behind closed doors. And we are ashamed when things go wrong with us. But we’ll grow out of this, and the way we’ll do it is by speaking about it. And maybe even through reading and writing about it.”

Excerpt From
Reasons to Stay Alive (HC)
Matt Haig
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[24. Aug 2024|23:04]
Propagandai ir ietekme. Skaties, cik vēsi vien vari/gribi, bet vienā brīdī sāk gribēties to bieži reklamēto "nav svarīgi, vai tu izvēlies - labo vai kreiso" twixu.
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[14. Aug 2024|21:35]
Trīs lietas - labas lietas?
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[10. Aug 2024|10:30]
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[3. Aug 2024|09:30]
Red Joan )
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[2. Aug 2024|07:33]
"The magic thing about home is that it feels good to leave, and it feels even better to come back." – Wendy Wunder
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[1. Aug 2024|08:00]
"Home is where our story begins." – Unknown
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[17. Jul 2024|07:30]
Lai Tev lieliska diena!
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[26. Okt 2023|13:50]
A sense of home )
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[14. Feb 2020|14:22]
1 Get more sleep
2 Make time to exercise
3 Drink more water
4 Eat less sugar
5 More random acts of kindness
6 Read and write more
7 Remove clutter
8 Stay teachable
9 Do not respond to negativity
10 Spend quality time with family
11 Show gratitude
12 Forgive first

[21. Jan 2016|01:21]
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