16 Marts 2020 @ 12:25
šodien sākas antropologu tālmācība  
"Please, watch the documentary attached and fill in the assignment attached. I would have prefered watching the documentary in class but the situation does not allow do so. Before watching, take into account that the content is disturbing. You might want to watch it at home with someone close. Don't watch it if it becomes too disturbing for you and I would advise stopping watching it at 1:01:00. Also, try to watch it as anthropologists, analysing and understanding the facts as an ethnographic account."

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rugetta[info]rugetta on 16. Marts 2020 - 14:04
"children of the decree", par abortu aizliegumu rumānijā 20. gs. otrajā pusē
(Atbildēt) (Iepriekšējais) (Link)