nuavembris 24., 2020
 | 13:59 Discover the savory culture and traditions that have made Austin, Texas, the self-proclaimed Breakfast Taco Capital of the World.
apriils 16., 2020
 | 14:22 Es esmu bijis Elsvorta Kellija Ostinā un man to neviens nekad neatņems.
februbaars 17., 2020
 | 12:58 Marfai, TX būs sava pavārgrāmata. Sasodīts. Marfai! Marfai!!! Varakļānu izmēra Marfai!

maijs 15., 2019
 | 18:42 White Trash recipe - filled with M&Ms, Chex, Peanuts, Cheerios and Pretzels all covered in white chocolate
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