zaļā buržuāzija - September 5th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
judging the mice

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September 5th, 2013

[Sep. 5th, 2013|09:59 am]
cik dažādi par vienu un to pašu:
We've all got loudspeakers in our heads that are constantly shouting fears, worries, and doubts at us. Running, at least for me, turns the volume on that loudspeaker way down. (c) auzpārslis, intervijā par skriešanu
Depression will try to tell you what others are thinking. That you are unloved and unworthy, that others think little of you or don’t care – or even wish you harm. (c) atbilde riebīgajiem priecīgajiem cilvēkiem par To, Kā Ir
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[Sep. 5th, 2013|12:52 pm]
kā visi labi seriāli (tb weeds) pēdējā sezonā, arī breaking bad ir pārvērties par kaut kādu attiecību seriālu
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