zaļā buržuāzija - June 14th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
judging the mice

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June 14th, 2013

[Jun. 14th, 2013|04:09 pm]
ir viens ņūzleters, kuru es vienmēr lasu. absolūti vienmēr. tas nāk no koko londonā.
skatieties un mācieties, klikreitu un openreitu džedaji (es arī skatos un mācos)

It’s 10am on a Monday morning. The buzzer at the back door disturbs the early (for a night club) office ambience. "Hello, is that KOKO?" "Er, yes, we are the huge black building that you have approached and pressed the buzzer of, how can we help?" "I need to speak to someone about organising a show." "OK, you can talk to me, my name is Ted." "Cool, listen, I’m going to enter the next X Factor and win it and I need to book in a date now to play my first headline show in London after I’ve won it. Can I email someone who’ll send me a costing?" "Sure, my email address is..." "Great, thanks, I’ll be in touch." "No problem, cheers. Have a good day..."

nu un tālāk par pasākumiem

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