zaļā buržuāzija - January 16th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
judging the mice

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January 16th, 2013

[Jan. 16th, 2013|01:31 am]
pilnīgi cits angļu valodas pieraksta veids, bloody fascinating

The task at hand is not to reform English spelling. Nor is it to indulge people who want to waste time discussing such futile endeavors. It is to create an alternative, not a replacement.

The task at hand is not to create a new way of writing English using the Latin alphabet, since that's already been done, in spots and in stripes. It's called Lolcat. If that is of interest to you, o hai, blessinz of teh Ceiling Cat be apwn yu, srsly. nuf sed. Kthbye!

The task at hand is not to scare up the requisite number of random squiggles and doodles, either from foreign alphabets, or from previous failed experiments at phoneticizing English, such as Shavian. This has to be an original design.
link4 leņķīši|piemetināt?

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