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Jun. 20th, 2011|08:08 pm

In which Game of Thrones house do you belong?
Your Result: You belong in HOUSE TARGARYEN - Fire and Blood

resultA broken house, the blood of the Dragon were once the conquerors of all Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. House Targaryen ruled as the Kings of Westeros for nearly 300 years until the reign of Aerys II, the Mad King. Their seats were the capital city of King's Landing and the island castle of Dragonstone. Their sigil is a three-headed dragon breathing flames, red on black.

You belong in HOUSE BARATHEON - Ours is the Fury
You belong in HOUSE STARK - Winter is Coming
You belong in HOUSE LANNISTER - Hear Me Roar
You belong in HOUSE ARRYN - As High as Honor
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