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judging the mice

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Jul. 3rd, 2009|06:03 am

kā mans sarkasms pret pieklājību aplauzās:

(4:36) [evenmark] hi ?
(4:37) [evenmark] u there?
[rasbainieks] yes
(4:38) [evenmark] im looking for a song by company b
[rasbainieks] tried typing it into the search box?
(4:39) [evenmark] perfect love and sighned in your book of love, tryedit cant find them
[rasbainieks] why are you asking me?
(4:41) [evenmark] you have a company b song so i think its rude to look through your files jusst thought i would ask sorry
[rasbainieks] asking is way more rude
[rasbainieks] means you don't know how to use search
(4:41) [evenmark] ok im sorry to have botherd you
(4:42) [evenmark] search cant find these 2 songs
[rasbainieks] then put them on your wishlist
[rasbainieks] bound to appear sooner or later
[rasbainieks] just type the titles correctly
(4:43) [evenmark] k thanx
[rasbainieks] welcome
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