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[Links:| freidfreidlenta pukstlenta marčlenta komentlenta pollkreators ]

Jun. 6th, 2009|02:13 pm

savukār vakar neapmeklētā moriseja koncerta setlists esot bijis šāds:

Setlist Morrissey, Rockhal, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxemburg:

01: This charming man
02: Irish blood, English heart
03: Black cloud
04: How soon is now
05: All you need is me
06: How can anybody possibly know how I feel?
07: Ask
08: I'm throwing my arms around Paris
09: Girlfriend in a coma
10: When I last spoke to Carol
11: Seasick, yet still docked
12: Why don't you find out for yourself
13: I keep mine hidden
14: Something is squeezing my skul
15: One day goodbye will be farewell
16: Sorry doesn't help
17: Some girls are bigger than others
18: The loop
19: I'm ok by myself

20: First of the gang to die (Z)

tas tā, pierakstīts blociņā. zajebisīgākais setlists.
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