silence is sexy -

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Janvāris 2., 2010

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uz mežu braukāties pa kalniņiem neaizgāju, jo vienkārši šausmīgi nāca miegs. naktī vienu brīdi pamodos un uznāca paranoja par to, kas mantos mūsu dzīvokli, ja visi mēs drīzumā nomirtu, padomāju, ka vecāki nav nekādi jaunie, un es, iespējams, neesmu vesela, un kurš tad ienāktu šajā dzīvoklī. vēl padomāju, ja jau nomirtu, tad būtu vienalga, bet šobrīd gluži vienalga nav. stulbas domas.
vēlāk iziešu pastaigāt tepat pa apkārtni, ir tik skaista ziemas pastkarte aiz loga. ja tādu aizsūtītu kādam draudziņam, viņš padomātu, ka ši nu gan banālu pastkarti atsūtījusi - koši zils debesis, neviena mākoņa, saulē mirdz sniegs. vai nav jocīgi, viena sniegpārsliņa ir tik maza un tik ģeometriski perfekta (Pitagora prieks) un skaista, un, re, kā tās visas kopā visu izrotājušas.

(33 raksta | ir doma)


[User Picture]
Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 19:55
kā saka - dāvinātam mūlim jau pimpi neskatās
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 19:59
tāpat arī dāvinātam kūmiņam svaru
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 20:01
bet dāvinātam psiham neskatās vispār neko
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 22:31
nav jau nek\ada dieva dāvana
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 22:30
es arī tikko ēdu - pelēkos zirņus apēdu
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 22:37
kuuminjsh bijis ceesis!!
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 22:30
lai mūlis dus mierā, pieminēsim ar klusuma brīdi
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 07:29
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 20:08
pastaiga silikona ielejā
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 20:09
man šodien pārāk mazas apenes
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 20:12
it kā krīt nost, bet tomēr par mazu, nu jau tu saproti vai ne
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 20:15
ja jau tik vien būtu tā bēda
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 20:18
call me mr raider, call me mr Vain
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 20:45
pārvilku normālas, cik tad var
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Date:2. Janvāris 2010 - 22:31
mazā brālīša apenes? vai arī sarāvušās? liela pakalja palikusi?
tu zināju, ka vīrieši, lai apmierinātos, uretrā liek dažādus prieksmetus, piemeeram, pareizticiigo sveciti
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 07:28
ir dzirdēts, bet vai tad tā nevar sabeigt uretu?
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 16:12
var, taapeec jau skrien pie arsta. nedabuu tos drankjus laukaa
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 16:24
un kā tad ārsts dabū?
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 22:18
ar kjirurgjiskam metodeem gan jau
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Date:4. Janvāris 2010 - 05:23
nabaga mūlītis
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Date:4. Janvāris 2010 - 22:58
aj vinjsh tak taads naf
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 08:30
Urethral play is play that involves inserting objects into the urethra, and sometimes the bladder. In some cases, these scenes can be associated with people into medical scenes (playing amateur urologist hour), or in the BDSM scene, is closely associated with control and dominance. For the submissive/bottom, the psychological idea of being violated in such a manner, the inability to control bladder functions (if catheters are inserted into the bladder) along with the physiological sensitivity of the urethral lining can be quite a trip. For most people, the idea of urethral play is repulsive and dangerous, from my experience I find this to be untrue and wish to share some advice, opinions and suggestions.

In urethral play, you generally have two kinds of instruments that you can use. A sound is one type of device that comes in a variety of widths and is inserted into the shaft. Most people who are heavily into the use of sounds usually try to dilate or stretch the urethra, although there are many who get into seeing how far they can go as well. Sounds are sort of like wands usually made out of surgical stainless steel. Catheters are very different. A catheter is inserted into the shaft with the objective of reaching the bladder. Catheters are much longer and are usually made out of latex or plastic. Some types of catheters, like a Foley, have a small balloon that is inflated after it reaches the bladder. Once the catheter is in, the person who has it in pretty much loses control of when they can piss. There are many different type of both sounds and catheters. Many of the sounds are curved to follow the natural shape of the penis, while some of them are straight and forces the urethra to follow the shape.

Guidelines to Safer Play
* Do not use or take drugs that may deaden any sensations. Injecting lydocaine or any other topical anesthetic into the shaft is dangerous and won’t allow you to tell your limits (especially if your goal is to stretch out your urethra).

* Use water-based sterile lube to aid insertion of objects. Do not use lubes that contains nonoxynol-9 or any flavored lubes, both will irritate the urethra. Oil-based lubes are probably not the lube of choice, especially with anything latex, and also is more difficult to expel when you’re done.

* Be sure everything you use is clean and if possible, sterile… this goes more of less for sounds and other items inserted only into the urethra, not the bladder. Never use an unsterilized catheter or anything unsterilized if you plan on getting into the bladder.

* Encourage pissing after you’re done, this will help to clean out residues, dirt and any other small bacteria that may have come in from the outside.

* Even in hospital conditions infection is not uncommon. Should you get an infection, check it out immediately.

* In any BDSM, if you don’t trust the person doing it, don’t do it.

* Never flush or force any liquids into the bladder.

* Be careful not to let go of the sound when it’s inserted, once the sound is inserted more than 4 inches, the sound will usually rotate slightly and pull the rest of the sound down. Should the sound be totally inserted into the urethra and you lose grip, don’t panic and relax – the sound will come out naturally.

* Be aware that urethral play, no matter how carefully done, does irritate the urethra… so if you have any penetrative sex/oral sex afterwards, use a condom. (Actually, you should be using a condom all the time anyways…)
[User Picture]
Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 16:12
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 14:51
nē, pauti lien pa malu ārā
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Date:3. Janvāris 2010 - 16:13
onkuljiem jaavalkaa plandoshas apakshb
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Date:4. Janvāris 2010 - 09:03
kādas izsargāšanās metodes tu lieto?
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Date:4. Janvāris 2010 - 22:58
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Date:5. Janvāris 2010 - 07:19
bet kad sexo
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Date:6. Janvāris 2010 - 01:26
nesexoju un nesexoshu. nah. negribu. riebjas.
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Date:6. Janvāris 2010 - 01:26
kad bija neriebaas, bet vairs negribu tik taalu ielaisties.
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Date:6. Janvāris 2010 - 10:02
kad bija, tad kā izsargājies?
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Date:6. Janvāris 2010 - 10:03
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Date:6. Janvāris 2010 - 10:06
kā? beidza ārpusē, vai arī nebija vaginālais?

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