criminally volga
skaitiet zvaigznītes
26.-Apr-2011 04:03 pm

"When a person is the beauty of their day, and their looks are really in style, and then the times change and tastes change, and ten years go by, if they keep exactly their same look and don't change anything and if they take care of themselves, they'll still be a beauty.

Schrafft's restaurants were the beauties of their day, and then they tried to keep up with the times and they modified and modified until they lost all their charm and were bought by a big company. But if they could just have kept their same look and style, and held on through the lean years when they weren't in style, today they'd be the best thing around. You have to hang on in periods when your style isn't popular, because if it's good, it'll come back, and you'll be a recognized beauty once again."
(Andy Warhol, Philosophy)
26.-Apr-2011 05:27 pm
Hmmm, man gan nepatika. Izdzirdējis pirmo tracku - sajūsmā skrēju klausīties tālāk, a tur viss izrādījās kaut kāds jau sen dzirdēts.
26.-Apr-2011 05:50 pm
varbūt sākumā šķiet mazliet garlaicīgs, jo nav tur nekādu modernu vipendronu, bet tas jau tieši labi. tāds, kā pavisam vecie viņu ieraksti, kad viņi filmējās uz jahtām un nebija nevienam jāpierāda ar visādiem izgājieniem, ka viņi ir jauni un ar potenci apveltīti. kaut kā ir sanācis tā, ka albūmi, kas sākumā pārsteidz un paņem, pēc tam ātri apnīk, bet tie vienmērīgie, kas sākumā it kā pagarlaicīgi, pēc tam izrādās labākie. ai nu, man vienkārši patīk ka šajā viņi vairs neķēmojas un neiztaisās. vienīgi žēl, ka nav tādas aktīvas dziesmas kā all she want is, bet nevar jau gribēt visu un vienmēr to, kā nav.
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