
18. Februāris 2014

14:00 - oh, the feels :(

He described as "torture" the conditions in two prisons – Ila near Oslo and Skien in southeast Norway – where he is serving out a 21-year sentence.

The demands include better conditions for his daily walk and the right to communicate more freely with the outside world, which he argues are in line with European rights legislation.

He also demanded the replacement of a PlayStation 2 games console for a more recent PS3 "with access to more adult games that I get to choose myself" as well as a sofa or armchair instead of a "painful" chair.

"Other inmates have access to adult games while I only have the right to play less interesting kids games. One example is 'Rayman Revolution', a game aimed at three year olds," wrote the 35-year-old convicted killer.

es arī gribu nesāpīgu krēslu :(

19:00 - Tuvie Austrumi

BTW, Kijevā, cik saprotu, šodien nosisti vairāki cilvēki (daži saka 3, citi - 6, citi - vismaz 10), mentiem pavēlēts iznīcināt protestu, sievietēm pavēlēts pazust no ielām, kāds simts sakropļots, un tad vēl redzēs, kas tur vēl.

Kroč, jāpalasās vēl, pačekojiet paši - slinkums tēlot televizoru.


"Acting Security Services of Ukraine head Oleksandr Yakymenko and acting Interior Minister Vitaliy Zakharchenko issued a public warning at 4 p.m. to protesters to clear the streets within two hours: “If by 6 p.m. the lawlessness doesn't cease, we shall be forced to used all legal means to bring order.”"

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