PHz superblociņš - 2012. gada 22. Svepstembris [bloks|kalendārs|spamparāde|autors]

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2012. gada 22. Svepstembris

Apmēram šādi es jau sen gribu izdarīt [2012-09-22|16:57]
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zibenstaka5 komentiņi|iekomentēt

Veterinārklubs [2012-09-22|01:10]
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«Starptautiskā grāmatu nedēļa»

To enter into the world of a game is to visit somewhere unfallen and ageless, where what you do and experience seems to occupy a special, separate kind of temporality; and where the passage of time in your own life leaves no mark.

[ tu aplūko | 2012. gada 22. Svepstembris ]
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