Kaut ko aizpildīju |
[2013-11-04|20:58] |
My Big Five Personality Traits
| Percentile | ↴ | Score | ↴ | Extraversion | 1.8 | 0 | Openness | 3.6 | 5 | Neuroticism | 2.6 | 13 | Agreeableness | 2.8 | 1 | Conscientiousness | 3.5 | 28 | Assesed here. Hover over red for info. |
Trait | | Score | Percentile |
| Extraversion | 1.8 | | 9 | | | Extraversion reflects how much you are oriented towards things outside yourself and derive satisfaction from interacting with other people. High scorers are said to be "extroverts" while low scorers are said to be "introverts. Introverts will tend to become tired out by socialization, while Extroverts will be energized by it. Introverts value down time while extroverts value stimulation. Due to their disposition, extroverts will usually be good at social interaction due to lots of experience, introverts tend towards the socially awkward. | Conscientiousness | 3.5 | | 52 | | | Conscientiousness reflects how careful you are, both in respect to orginization and rules. | Neuroticism | 2.6 | | 32 | | | Neuroticism is the tendancy to experince negative emotions. | Agreeableness | 2.8 | | 7 | | | Agreeableness reflects how much you like and try please others. | Openness | 3.6 | | 22 | | | Openness reflects how much you seek out new experinces. |
Neko gan nesapratu, it sevišķi to, kāpēc tās procentīles atšķiras. |
Tuvākās grāmatas 52. lpp. 5. teikums (International Book Week) |
[2013-09-23|23:52] |
В трестах он заключал договоры на поставку химпродуктов и получал сырье по твердой цене. |
Veterinārklubs |
[2012-09-22|01:10] |
«Starptautiskā grāmatu nedēļa»
To enter into the world of a game is to visit somewhere unfallen and ageless, where what you do and experience seems to occupy a special, separate kind of temporality; and where the passage of time in your own life leaves no mark. |