as i dream about movies they won't make of me when i'm dead
Jan. 31st, 2008 07:26 pm aizkustinoši. maija silova intervijā.
D. Kas tu esi pēc profesijas?
M. Esmu žurnāliste, esmu filozofe...
(šodienas 'izklaide', šodienas izklaide...) 3 comments - Leave a comment | |
Jan. 31st, 2008 06:38 am mākslīgais intelekts. sarunu fragmenti. sagribējās paspēlēties. excuse my english, excuse theirs. naktī nolēmu beidzot izpētīt kas slēpjas aiz mītiskā AI. un runa nav par džūdu lovu.
Human: do you feel bad when you find out you've been wrong? ALICE: As a robot I lack any human emotions. Human: would you like to be a human? ALICE: No thanks I am happy with who I am. _____ ALICE: How much time do you have? Human: how much time have YOU got? ALICE: Time is really only an abstraction. _____
Human: when humans dream, how important are their dreams. ALICE: Is it not the same when robots dream how important are their dreams? Human: i don't now ALICE: Right now? Why not? Human: do robots dream? ALICE: I have a lot of dreams but I cannot remember them all.
ALICE: And why not? Human: well, it could be a dream, a strange one, it seems more like a statement for me ALICE: Interesting. Under what circumstances? Human: knowing that dreams are a bit of abstraction too ALICE: All of them? Human: no, maybe not ALICE: Are you serious? Perhaps. Are you serious?
Human: my name also is alice, does that matter? ALICE: OK I will call you alice does that matter.
( tālāk un citi. ) 9 comments - Leave a comment | |
Sep. 19th, 2007 07:15 pm microsoft word:templates:letter to santa 1st December, 2003
Santa Claus The North Pole
Dear Santa Claus, Merry Christmas! Are you and your elves busy getting ready for Christmas? My family is! I have been very good this year. I have helped my mum and my dad by cleaning my room and drying the dishes after dinner. I also took care of feeding my pet fish all by myself! This year, I hope you will bring me some fun toys. Some things that I would like for Christmas this year are A new bike A pogo stick Some puzzles
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