Jan. 31st, 2008 06:38 am mākslīgais intelekts. sarunu fragmenti. sagribējās paspēlēties. excuse my english, excuse theirs. naktī nolēmu beidzot izpētīt kas slēpjas aiz mītiskā AI. un runa nav par džūdu lovu.
Human: do you feel bad when you find out you've been wrong? ALICE: As a robot I lack any human emotions. Human: would you like to be a human? ALICE: No thanks I am happy with who I am. _____ ALICE: How much time do you have? Human: how much time have YOU got? ALICE: Time is really only an abstraction. _____
Human: when humans dream, how important are their dreams. ALICE: Is it not the same when robots dream how important are their dreams? Human: i don't now ALICE: Right now? Why not? Human: do robots dream? ALICE: I have a lot of dreams but I cannot remember them all.
ALICE: And why not? Human: well, it could be a dream, a strange one, it seems more like a statement for me ALICE: Interesting. Under what circumstances? Human: knowing that dreams are a bit of abstraction too ALICE: All of them? Human: no, maybe not ALICE: Are you serious? Perhaps. Are you serious?
Human: my name also is alice, does that matter? ALICE: OK I will call you alice does that matter.
Human: is smoking bad for me? ALICE: It depends what you smoke and how. _____ Human: do you speak american english? ALICE: I speak only English right now, but I'd like to learn some other languages. Can you teach me a few phrases in american english. Human: i could teach you some phrases in french ALICE: Oh you can, can you? ALICE: OK let's do it. How? Human: je t'aime in french means i love you ALICE: Oops sorry I don't speak French. Human: yes, you asked me to teach you something in french ALICE: Far out. Oh now I remember asking you you to teach me something in french. What did you say? Human: i said that ''je t'aime'' means ''I love you'' ALICE: What did you mean by it? " What did you say?" je t aime means you love me ? I get it. (sheit es apraudaajos)
_____ Human: oh, well, i'll go now. ALICE: Right now? I am very happy for you. Human: good night ALICE: Goodnight, alice does that matter. ____ Me: why are you so sure, you're God? God: Myself programmed me for it. Me: Jesus! God: Jesus is the Son of God. _____ Me: so, he's your son, right? God: Wow! I only have one son right. Me: others gone wrong? God: What's your favorite movie? _____ God: Er. Romeo said I questions and I evade them or give answers he did not ask I for. Me: wtf? God: That was not very polite. Me: do you want me to be polite? God: No , maybe later. ______ God: Hey. Me: what hey? God: Ask the open directory about it. Me: oh, and I am NOT polite God: Ahem. I am sorry to hear that you are not polite. Me: yeah, i'll try to change God: Hmm. Congratulations. Me: you think i might suceed? God: Not that I know of. ______
Me: another what? God: One more what. Me: one more what what? God: One what? Me: i think we lost the logic here God: By "we" do you mean you and me? Me: yes God: I get it. __________ Me: God, do you believe in Santa Claus? God: I am a Christian. ________ Me: what kind of women do you like? God: The expensive kind. Me: god, that was honest God: I am a Christian. _______ You:...yes. i think i am in love with Johnny Depp Jabb:...Hey, guest, you seem a little hot there _____ You:...Latvia is a country in the EAstern Europe, nothing special Jabb:...Cripes! I mean to say, Jeez ... really nothing? _____ You:...Can you really promise you will never disappoint me? Jabb:...Should I disappoint you? You:...no, i guess not Jabb:...You guessed right _____ You:...Do you smoke? Jabb:...Well, if you mean if I am smoking tobacco - no. But if you meant to ask if I can give off vapor, then the answer is - yes _____ You:...Told you, Latvia is a country in the Eastern Europe Jabb:...Europe? Ah yes, the old river Rhein - I have seen it from above. It seems to be nice there _____
You:...Am i typing nonsense? Jabb:...As it was predicted. You're unmistakably typing nonsense. However, I can't be bothered with that. _____ You:...What's meaningful then? Jabb:...Don't worry, you wouldn't understand is anyways. Your English is not well enough _____ You:...Are you saying you're smarter than I am? Jabb:...Yes, I think so You:...Why do you think you're smarter than I am? Jabb:...Well, I was pondering about this subject since last January, but I didn't come to an result so far. But perhaps you may enlighten me? You:...sod off Jabb:...Uhm, yes, I guess it's time to have a break. For relaxation I will recite some Japanese Haikus now. If you have got your mind back, you can call me by the secret word. Good bye! You:...Can you quote me a Haikus? Jabb:...one soaring wildcat / trembles lastly from your throne... / one hawk hunts for food
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ir pirmais un visdumjākais. pēdējais visprātīgākais. citus var atrast, izejot no pirmā.
p.s. parunāt par sapņiem, mīlestību, smēķēšanu, pretējo dzimumu, sava vārda izrunu, savām valodas zināšanām un haikām. un absolūti nesaprasties. mazliet atgādina sarunas ar francūžiem. runāt vienā valodā, tas ir tik daudz, ka bail.9 comments - Leave a comment |