15 December 2016 @ 03:44 am
Do not be afraid of losing yourself. Nothing has gone wrong. It's a spiritual truth, that you can't even find yourself, unless you lose yourself. When you look on feeling or being lost in this way, like it's a turning point, to find out who you are and who you want to be, the better off you will be. You are more closer to truly knowing yourself than most people, who think, they are not lost, but are. If you know, you are lost, you know, where you are. You are lost! This means, that your mission in life is to find yourself. And when you start looking for yourself, you will find yourself. Everything you do can add to your knowledge of yourself and your personal truth.

(Teal Swan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIC1wHAYRO0)
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lara[info]lara on December 15th, 2016 - 07:53 pm
Viss sākās ar to, ka noskatījos viņas video par to, ko iesākt ar heartbreak. Pēc visiem dumjajiem padomiem, ko biju internetā salasījusies, viņas teiktais bija satriecoši precīzs un jēgpilns. Pēc tam kādu laiku es caurām dienām viņu klausījos. Tad sāku lasīt grāmatas un pielietot praksē viņas padomus. Šis jau kādus piecos mēnešus man ir bijis milzīgs iekšējs ceļojums. Nezinu, kas tad ir, bet viņa spēcīgi iedarbojas.
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