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02:00 pm: 5-MeO-DMT
holy shit man whatch out man im telling you i just took the bigges hit of that shit and it conolketely ocked me on my ass if you ever watch green emerald forest and see him falll over and lay there on his side and see him visualize the eagle and shit well all you can do is sit there on your side and thing you dieng nop eagle shit, is what happened to me and i swear to muther fucking go htat i went brain dead foir a few mins man no joking i thought i was gonna die if you do get in that stat just remember i told you itll be ok and youll live cause you gonna serioulsy think you died or are dieing but just think positve its a scary trip and im prbally gonna say htats my last time even though i said that the last 5 times or so but that last one scared me more then ever i was so fucked up man like i dont even no how to explain it all my life i have just been thinginki of my theory of how triping is just bringing you as close to death without dieing well this is the shit man all you can feel is you heartbeat racin about no joke like 200mph it flips you out and if you do do it tot he extent youll no what im talking about if you think you know what im talking about then you havent got there yet but it scared me half to death i thought i was gonna die mannn just be carefull please bro and call and let me no you still alive when its gone


[User Picture]
Date:May 18th, 2008 - 08:42 pm
gonna serioulsy think you died or are dieing

Tā ar mani notika. Interesanti, bet atbaidoši. Lai gan jāsaka, ka sajūta, kad atgriezos "dzīvajo" pulkā bija lieliska.
[User Picture]
Date:May 18th, 2008 - 08:47 pm
Man pietika ar sēņu sniegto near-death ekspu... Tomēr šitais stuffs ir nākamais manā to-do listē. Tīru DMT dabūt nevarēju, bet ajavaskas brūvējumu īsti negribas lielā čakara un tripa ilguma dēļ.
[User Picture]
Date:May 18th, 2008 - 09:15 pm
Ir vērts. Es vismaz nenožēloju, ka pamēģināju. Ja interesē, te ir mana tripa apraksts angliski:

[User Picture]
Date:May 18th, 2008 - 09:47 pm
Paldies, nočekošu. Kāda īsti bija atiešana? T.i., cik dienas vēlāk jau varēja bez problēmām strādāt garīgu darbu?
[User Picture]
Date:May 18th, 2008 - 11:14 pm
Es īsti neatceros, jo tas bija pirms 5 vai tā gadiem, bet nekādas īpašas atiešanas problēmas nebija. Funkcionēju normāli jau kādas pāris stundas pēc lietošanas.
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