Lacy F

[info]begemots @ 17:11: Jā, es šim interesantajam apstāklim uzdūros vienā pirms gadiem 100 publicētajā esejā, "On Being the Right Size". Tur vēl viss kaut kas interesants bija. Piemēram:

But it is time that we pass to some of the advantages of size.

One of the most obvious is that it enables one to keep warm. All warm-blooded animals at rest lose the same amount of heat from a unit area of skin, for which purpose they need a food-supply proportional to their surface and not to their weight.

Five thousand mice weigh as much as a man. Their combined surface and food or oxygen consumption are about seventeen times a man’s.

In fact a mouse eats about one quarter its own weight of food every day, which is mainly used in keeping it warm.


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