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Sātans mūzikā. [Jun. 4th, 2011|04:26 pm]
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Date:June 4th, 2011 - 04:57 pm
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Date:June 4th, 2011 - 05:13 pm
ui ku labs, paldies


Back in the dark depths of time,
when Mother Sow fucked Father Swine
Drowned beneath the pigeonstorms,
dead bodies devoured by worms

Consumed barns lie in abandon,
no one survived Farmageddon
Forever those ruins shall be damned,
green shadows roaming till the end

Funeral Frog !
The woods whisper its mourning cry.
If it bites you your soul will die,
if you kill it it will return,
if you eat it your ass will burn.

On the dreary paths around,
the Frog awaits without a sound
When hunters come across its way,
in those grim woods they'll pass away...
[User Picture]
Date:June 4th, 2011 - 05:14 pm
apdomāsim, vienīgais - tā stunda raidījumam jau ir pilna, bet iespējams būs jātaisa vēl viens tāds raidījums. pieminēsim arī nefolku kā The Moon Lay Hidden Beneath a Cloud sūtītāju, ja liksim (šī dziesma vēl uz jautājuma zīmes)
Date:June 4th, 2011 - 05:17 pm
Haha, tas nebija raidījumam. Tāpat. Šodien atradu :D