krēpjlācis - August 8th, 2014 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]

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August 8th, 2014

[Aug. 8th, 2014|02:21 am]
[music |Whitehouse - Rapeday]

I can't be of use to the world. Good. I don't even like the world.
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[Aug. 8th, 2014|02:25 am]
[music |Whitehouse - I'm coming up your ass]

Today was a computer day. I was born in front of the computer. I was abused by the computer. I took computer journeys to try and discover my identity. I enrolled in online schools. The computer became my mid-life crisis. I was put into a nursing home with internet access. I died in front of the computer. Today was a computer day.
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Lethal Ejaculation [Aug. 8th, 2014|07:35 pm]
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[music |Krallice - Littany of regrets]

Šis tas no vecajiem Lethal Ejaculationiem, jautrs lofi ģitārnoizs / ambients -

Drīz jābrauc pie Khosmos svinēt MINCĪBU
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