Urrrz.. essmu jau gluži kā
nocieties līks,
gaidot meklējot jaunā Samajel
līku. Solārajai sielai bija vismaz mēnesi pirms, no šitā pagaidām
noplūdušas esmu atradis tikai
3 dziesmas, no kurām, protams, visvairāk
iespārda tā par mello caurumu.
I've been waiting all my life for this to come
This brand new world - it's where I want to live
Viss saraksts:
Under One Flag -
Virtual War -
Polygames -
Earth Country -
Illumination -
Black Hole -
In There -
Dark Side -
God's Snake -
On The Top Of It All"After 20 years we've tried to do an album that would represent what S A M A E L is all about and we did "Solar Soul". We feel now it is the right time to remind the people where we come from and that's exactly what "Above" will do. It is like an enhanced version of our three or four first albums, maybe the missing link between "Cermony Of Opposites" and "Passage". With the "Era One" project we've tried to work on different influences, with "Above" we stripped everything down. It is a metal album through and through."p.s. balsot par
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