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Svešie nesapratīs

Posted on 2009.11.24 at 15:13


[info]haosa_harpija at 2009-11-28 12:04 (Tipa)


Sathya Sai Baba materialized a golden egg that has several names and is rich with symbolism. Baba said that the Hiranyagarbha Lingam (Golden Heart Lingam) “contains the entire universe in microscopic form. It is a manifestation of the Trinity - Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva (God as the Creator, Sustainer and Destroyer). It is also the Atmic consciousness (Holy Spirit) - like a thread running through a pearl necklace. It is at the Spiritual Heart.” In the Spiritual Heritage Museum in Puttaparthi there is a quote by Baba referring to the lingam (lingams in general) as the “Cosmic Seed of Creation.”
After Sai Baba had manifested it, He said that it is a great blessing for anyone to receive this photo and that it should be kept in every home. His energy will work miracles through it. This is the first time anyone has every heard Baba say this about any photo.
[info]nefolk at 2009-11-29 03:04 (Tipa)

Re: :((((((((

Vispirms es šeit gribēju ielikt SB bildi, bet tas būtu tikk paredzami ha ha, kuš
[info]haosa_harpija at 2009-11-29 10:08 (Tipa)

Re: :((((((((

.. un vēl arī neiejūtīgi? bez sapratnes? :D
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