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Laiks Tautai

Posted on 2011.07.01 at 21:40


(Anonīms) at 2011-07-01 23:05 (Tipa)

Re: atvērās spamošanas ČAKRA

besī, ka bilde uzreiz nerādās bet nu pogffff. nu bet tak lūdzu- tā es tagad jūtos: :@
pievērs uzmanību pierei- tur tas ir- bīstamais portāls uz zemapziņas dzīlēm. :@

Mehāniskais vienradzis
[info]nefolk at 2011-07-02 14:28 (Tipa)

Re: atvērās spamošanas ČAKRA

Goddesses of Magic

The Greek Goddess Hecate represents the third aspect of the Goddess, the Crone. She is known as the Goddess of witches and of magic, the dark of the moon, and the depths of the underworld. She walks along the roadways and counsels those at the crossroads. Of all the Greek Goddesses, Hecate alone could grant or refuse anything asked by mortals. She is the Queen of the Night, and those who seek her protection can move safely in the darkness. Hecate is the voice of wisdom, divination and dreams.
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