mayday, mayday!!! / Zeme izsauc Veselo Saprātu/

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20.. Apr, 2009 | 16:57
skaņas: Korn - Another Brick In The Wall

Īsta Tirānu Brīnumzemē, matrem tuem!!!
Ne cik ilgi, un cenzūra ar saviem visuresošajiem, pretīgajiem taustekļiem ir atvilkusies arī līdz Virtuālajam Tīmeklim:

(Paldies [info]fuckyuu un [info]almighty_j par info!)

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Comments {5}

Božena Chodunska

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from: [info]bozena
date: 21.. Apr, 2009 - 16:36

Big Brother is watching you....

Atbildēt | Diskusija


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from: [info]morphine
date: 22.. Apr, 2009 - 10:01

Welcome to the real world!

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