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May. 17th, 2024 @ 09:49 am (no subject)

Reizēm, kad man ir bēdīgi, es daru ko šādu. Protams, nav perfekti (jo mana angļu valoda nav tik laba). Bet tulkojumā dziesmu tekstiem vissvarīgākais ir iztulkot tā, lai zilbes apmēram atbilstu oriģinālam - lai var normāli nodziedāt.

By the Goddy , there're long tabeles, there're long tables.
There sits our dear Māra, dear Māra.

There sits our dear Māra, dear Māra
Decorating little shawls, little shawls (or villainītes)

Decorated, decorated, then she counted
Then put them in Goddy’s hands, Goddy’s hands.

Well, Goddy it’s in your power, in your power
All the power in your hands, in your hands.

In your hands, in your hands, in your hands
Key of our happiness, happiness.

Let us Goddy, climb the mountain, climb the mountain,
Don’t let us go down from it, down from it.

Let us, Goddy, give to others, give to others,
Not to ask from them so dearly, not to ask.
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