09 May 2010 @ 08:50 pm
Uzgāju draugu draugu dienasgrāmatās labus krekliņu apdrukas uzrakstus skriešanas sacensībām:

Before you run a half-marathon, you never really learn to curse.

Friends Don’t Let Friends Run in Marathons!!

In my mind, I’m a Kenyan.

This sounded like a good idea three months ago.

Running is a mental sport and we’re all insane.

I was not talented enough to run and smile at the same time.

Sweating - that’s when muscles cry.

So I run like a girl… try to keep up.

Pain is your friend. It tells you that you’re still alive!

I usually run faster.

I may be slow but I am ahead of you.

A half-marathon is just a 6km with a 15 km warm-up.

If you can read this I’m at least not last.

I thought you said this was 2.1km not 21km..

Im slow..I know..get over it!
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[info]just_fly on May 9th, 2010 - 09:51 pm
ļoti labi tekstiņi :)
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