30 January 2021 @ 10:59 am
Lolzix, tikmēr hardcore Londonas ebreji ietusē un nebaidās ronu, jo visi tak ir puķītes pļavā. 

"England’s lockdown rules are being flouted in ultra-Orthodox Jewish areas, with large weddings taking place each week and schools continuing to operate, according to community insiders and local residents. 
[..] On the same evening, police attended a hall in Belz Terrace, a few minutes’ walk from the school, following reports that a large wedding was taking place there. However, officers were satisfied that the event was a communal service, which is permitted, rather than a wedding and no action was taken.  

“They start at about 5pm and run through until 3am or 4am,” he said. “A number of my former colleagues have reported these weddings to the police but they have turned a blind eye. What’s going on is morally, ethically and even religiously wrong.”

Es vispār brīnos ka The Guardian par šo uzrakstīja. Jo es domāju, ka bad faith in action - nosodīt kristiešus, bet ignorēt citu reliģiju haļavas ir business as usual?
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[info]methodrone on January 30th, 2021 - 04:14 pm
Indeed, a prieksh kam ta taadi raksti vispaar.
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