15 October 2010 @ 10:08 am
man vienkaarshi patiik tas, ka dekarta stipraakie argumenti ir 'so it is clear by natural light' 'i see it clearly and distinctly so it must be true' 'i think god is the perfection, so he must exist, because non-existance is an imperfection' voila! natural light, cute
very much so gaidu naakamo gadu, kad lasiisim vitgenshteinu the aim of philosophy as correcting misconceptions about language through logical abstraction, bring it

simfonija: pixies - la la love you
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[info]french_mime on October 15th, 2010 - 03:59 pm
interesanti, kas dekarts bija pēc mbti.
i see it clearly and distinctly so it must be true izklausās kā totāla Ni funkcija
i think god is the perfection, so he must exist, because non-existance is an imperfection
izklausās pēc kautkāda fuzzy Fi-Te funkciju savienojuma
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[info]french_mime on October 15th, 2010 - 04:00 pm
viņš it kā bija intp gūgles tante saka. tas viņu padarītu par TiNeSiFe
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[info]french_mime on October 15th, 2010 - 04:02 pm
citi avoti saka, ka viņš bija intj, kas būtu NiTeFiSe..
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: thug life[info]methodrone on October 15th, 2010 - 06:42 pm
dude..nevaru izsekot, do you mean tas pat kas jeezus?
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