01 December 2011 @ 10:28 pm
vincents d'onofrio  
happy accidents ir mana miiljaakaa miilestiibas filma, uudenstornji, the cell, dziive nav iipashi svariiga, cilveeki ir iedomiigi jo domaa, ka zinaatne ir visa izskaidrojums bet dazhas koordinaates patiesiibas bezgaliigajaa izplatiijumaa driizaak paraada ka izskaidrojuma nekad nebuus
simfonija: lcd soundsystem - someone great
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[info]french_mime on December 2nd, 2011 - 06:28 am
es piekrītu. give science a chance, laura, it's all we have, all we can do in order to understand.
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: dignified and old[info]methodrone on December 2nd, 2011 - 11:10 am
tieshi taapeec ka its all we have nedriikstam pazaudeet veseliigu skepticismu!
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