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niiche 'i go into solitude so as not to drink out of everybody's cistern. when i am among the many i live as the many do, and i do not think i really think. after a time it always seems as if they want to banish my self from myself and rob me of my soul'
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: 2+2=5[info]methodrone on December 1st, 2011 - 06:11 am
es zinu, jebkura emocija ko izraisa iistu lietu un cilveeku klaatbuutne ir 100reiz iespaidojoshaaka nekaa jebkura racionaala doma radusies praataa teoreetiski. nevajag sevi ieniist, manupraat kad to saprot par to robbing of soul, tad ir vajadziigs laiks lai iemaaciitos sevi saglabaat, manupraat kaa jau viss dziivee dahzaadas lietas prasa dazhaadu laiku lai iemaaciitos un nostiprinaatu, bet ar laiku tas izdodas. manupraat solitude ir diezgan nedabiska, un gruuta, bet to arii var iemaaciities, cilveeki var adapteeties un pielaagoties pilniigi visam ar laiku.
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