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[6. Okt 2021|08:26]
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“They were initially doing studies on COVID long-haul patients to discover why they were becoming ‘long-haulers’ when they realized people were getting injured by vaccines and experiencing the same symptoms,” Dobbs said.

“The moral of the story is that we’ve been injured by the vaccine, we’ve been searching for months for answers and we are unable to get help. We have reached out to the best doctors in the world and they cannot help us.
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Date:6. Oktobris 2021 - 15:05
nu bļa tāpat kā ar holēras vakcīnu. nav jau vakcīna pret kovid. ir "kovid-19 vakcīna". masoni skaidru valodu runā. un rīt tā jau būs konspirācija, ko slepenā bagātno antiwaskeru brālība organizē