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[30. Apr 2020|21:28]
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Date:1. Maijs 2020 - 11:25

3. jeb Coup d'état marksistu gaumee


Jeb publika gaidiija CoupE du Monde, bet dabuuja Coup, kritiku par sliktu izgliitiibu un Biedru grupas publisko Veestuli

": Over 500 academics and public figures called on governments to implement universal basic income via an open letter..."
[User Picture]
Date:1. Maijs 2020 - 18:59

Re: 3. jeb Coup d'état marksistu gaumee

Ileana Johnson Paugh -

tā runātāja no dotās adreses, sakarīga ar daudz rakstiem.
Date:1. Maijs 2020 - 19:15

Re: Ileana Johnson Paugh

"The more we talk about freedom (of speech, of assembly, to carry guns, religion) in the world today occupied and controlled by everything progressive, the more we hear the chains rattling. Your brothers and sisters are watching you with disdain and hate – empowered by non-elected bureaucrats, politicians, academia, plutocrats who think they know what’s best for us, and young techies who spy on the “lives of others” with gusto and the ignorance of useful idiots."