14 March 2010 @ 02:53 pm
Es, protams, saprotu, ka NYC Prep nav īstā vieta, kur meklēt spīdošu intelektu, bet nu tomēr. Situācija: pirmais randiņš, puisis (16) un meitene (15). Dialogs:

Puisis: So... what books are you reading?
Meitene: I'm reading... like... a 100 most important philosophers or something...
Puisis: Really? For fun?
Meitene: Yeah...
Puisis: What do you want to be when you grow up?
Meitene: Like... a philosopher.
Puisis: Really?
Meitene: Maybe...
Puisis: Really? How do philosophers get paid? Like, don't they just, like, think? They write books.
Meitene: Yeah. I'll write books.
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Rolands[info]caalislv on March 22nd, 2010 - 04:09 am
Man cepī tavs logo :D
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