Novembris 20., 2007
illumine | 23:41 Ir gadījumi, kad ārsti tā arī pasaka - riska grupa, nepotējam. To saka arī Latvijā un ja tavam bērnam tas nav pateikts, tad nav ko tēlot ārstu un pieņemt lēmumus, kas jāpieņem ārstam. Tu taču pati sev zobus nelabo, vai ne? Un pie ginekologa arī pati ej, nevis paprasi, lai kaimiņiene apskatās, vai ne?
Bet nu par tām potēm, tu mani vienkārši sašāvi. "Kāpēc nevar visas slimības izārstēt tad, kad viņas ir". Zini, man domāt ka nopotēt pret stingumkrampjiem, difteriju un B hepatītu ir kudiš labāk, nekā cīnīties ar komplikācijām pēc visām šīm slimībām, ja cilvēciņš vispār IZDZĪVO pēc viņām.
Un par naudas pelnīšanu vienā House epizodē bija labi pateikts: "[House walks away. Cut to the clinic and House is in an exam room with a young mother and her baby.] Young Mother: No formula, just mommy’s healthy natural breast milk. House: Yummy. Young Mother: Her whole face just got swollen like this overnight. House: Mmhmm. No fever, glands normal, missing her vaccination dates. Young Mother: We’re not vaccinating. [Baby giggles and coos] Young Mother: [Takes a toy frog and starts to make frog sounds] Gribbit, gribbit, gribbit. [Giggles] [Baby smiles and giggles too] House: Think they don’t work? Young Mother: I think some multinational pharmaceutical company wants me to think they work. Pad their bottom line. House: Mmmm. May I? [He takes the frog and starts to do the gribbit noise with the baby] Young Mother: [Whispered] Sure. House: Gribbit, gribbit, gribbit. [The baby laughs] All natural no dies. That’s a good business: all-natural children’s toys. Those toy companies, they don’t arbitrarily mark up their frogs. They don’t lie about how much they spend in research and development. The worst a toy company can be accused of is making a really boring frog. [Young Mother laughs and so does House. The baby giggles again] House: Gribbit, gribbit, gribbit. You know another really good business? Teeny tiny baby coffins. You can get them in frog green or fire engine red. Really. The antibodies in yummy mummy only protect the kid for 6 months, which is why these companies think they can gouge you. They think that you’ll spend whatever they ask to keep your kid alive. Want to change things? Prove them wrong. A few hundred parents like you decide they’d rather let their kid die then cough up 40 bucks for a vaccination, believe me, prices will drop REALLY fast. Gribbit, gribbit, gribbit, gribbit, gribbit. Young Mother: Tell me what she has. House: A cold."
Kā jau teicu, ir gadījumi, kad ārsti pasaka - nav ieteicams. Un ja nav bijušas NEKĀDAS problēmas pēc pirmajām hepatīta potēm, tad nebūs arī tagad. Un vēl idiotiskāk ir iesākt vakcināju un tad to pamest pusratā. Tici man, tu negribi, lai tavam enģelītim ir B hepatīts, kuru ārstēt.
/es, cilvēks kas ir B hepatīta riska grupā, un kas zina kas ir hepatīts ne pēc nostāstiem (par laimi gan arī ne pēc sevis)
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