nice, man ir, ko mēģināt pārspēt :)
par WB - thanks, but the 'back' part isn't exactly right - not to sound like a broken record, but there's really not much appealing left in Ciba for me..
starp citu, kādos IM Tevi varētu sastapt? joprojām ne Skype?
also, if you could share your English writing speed (characters/minute, based on the same speed test) for inspiration purposes, it'd be much appreciated ;)
par WB - thanks, but the 'back' part isn't exactly right - not to sound like a broken record, but there's really not much appealing left in Ciba for me..
starp citu, kādos IM Tevi varētu sastapt? joprojām ne Skype?
also, if you could share your English writing speed (characters/minute, based on the same speed test) for inspiration purposes, it'd be much appreciated ;)
Would it be the english test or SQL typing test? Just provide me with a link (that uses standard approach to typing. Not the idea that NOOOO you can't press backspace - what really throws off the rhytm.)
IM's - esmu arii skype, same ID as gtalk.
IM's - esmu arii skype, same ID as gtalk. m/ would be the one I had in mind. Though you can't use backspace after you press space, which is kind of infuriating sometimes.. Also, if on the last second you decide to correct a word, pressing backspace might lead to returning to whatever the previous page was with no chance of getting to the score (can be avoided by opening it in new tab though)
hm.. es neesmu pārliecināts, ka es zinu Tavu gtalk ID.. varbūt, kad esi skype, piebaksti ID moclim, es tāpat parasti pa vakariem esmu aktīvāks.
hm.. es neesmu pārliecināts, ka es zinu Tavu gtalk ID.. varbūt, kad esi skype, piebaksti ID moclim, es tāpat parasti pa vakariem esmu aktīvāks.
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(except - only gtalk during working hours. Skype is on in the evenings, given i'm not so deep in EvE that I don't notice anyone messaging me. EvE depth varies on weekly basis)
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