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04:15 am: Angļu valodā ap 80 vārdiem minūtē (max 86 so far), bet indonēziešu -


Date:May 29th, 2009 - 12:22 pm
(Link) would be the one I had in mind. Though you can't use backspace after you press space, which is kind of infuriating sometimes.. Also, if on the last second you decide to correct a word, pressing backspace might lead to returning to whatever the previous page was with no chance of getting to the score (can be avoided by opening it in new tab though)

hm.. es neesmu pārliecināts, ka es zinu Tavu gtalk ID.. varbūt, kad esi skype, piebaksti ID moclim, es tāpat parasti pa vakariem esmu aktīvāks.
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