Witch-queen of Angmar [userpic]

December 27th, 2012 (05:45 pm)
ausis glauda: Les Joyaux de la Princesse – Nos Compagnons d'Europe

Pilnmēness un

In the scenario, dubbed 'Zombie Apocalypse', a VIP was trapped in a village, surrounded by zombies when a bomb exploded.


Posted by: Witch-queen of Angmar ([info]lenora)
Posted at: December 28th, 2012, 11:33 pm

Droši vien stundām ilgs begraundčeks ar popkornu azotē.

Posted by: the lament configurator ([info]morloku_karalis)
Posted at: December 28th, 2012, 11:51 pm

jā, ir cilvēki, kuriem paveicas ar darbavietu. vismaz zombijpokalipses matemātiskajiem modelētājiem tieši tā arī ir: "...we model a zombie attack, using biological assumptions based on popular zombie movies."
