Witch-queen of Angmar [userpic]

September 25th, 2012 (03:06 pm)
ausis glauda: Anacodaine – Pieskāriens

Nez cik neciešama es kļūtu pēc šādas grāmatas zinību apgūšanas.

Essentials of the Reid Technique: Criminal Interrogation and Confessions (By Fred E. Inbau, John E. Reid, Jospeh P. Buckley, Brian C. Jayne)

Essentials of the Reid Technique teaches readers how to spot and interpret verbal and nonverbal behaviors of both deceptive and truthful people, and how to move toward obtaining solid confessions from guilty persons. The Reid Technique is built around basic psychological principles and presents interrogation as an easily understood nine-step process. Separated into two parts: What You Need to Know About Interrogation and Employing the Reid Nine Steps of Interrogation, this book will help readers understand the effective and proper way that a suspect should be interrogated and the safeguards that should be in place to ensure the integrity of the confession.

Visas tās neverbālās figņas es tā pat redzu, bet tas lielākoties ir tad, ja sēžu maliņā un skatos, nevis pati iesaistos un nedod die's runāju, jo tad aiziet ciet visas čakras. Es pat nefiltrēju, ko pati saku, kur nu vēl kaut kā izdarbūt kaut ko no cita cilvēka. Klasiskā "sieviešu gudrība" kā likt vīrietim izdarīt, kaut ko tā, lai viņam liktos, ka viņš to pats ir izdomājis, neskaitās, jo tā ir parasta pasīvā dominance.

Bet jā problēmas ar sevis apzināšanos runāšanas procesā.


Posted by: 302cc9b4780f8cbef6f70c3a8417913050b6aafb ([info]mindbound)
Posted at: September 25th, 2012, 03:17 pm

Izklausās... interesanti.