Witch-queen of Angmar [userpic]

September 12th, 2012 (12:04 pm)
ausis glauda: Triarii – Heaven & Hell

Ūpīšu projekts ziemas saulgriežiem - uzadīt melnus dūraiņus ar izšūtām, sarkanām, degošām baznīcām un aizsūtīt Burzumam.

To be continued


Posted by: Witch-queen of Angmar ([info]lenora)
Posted at: September 12th, 2012, 01:22 pm


Bet "firmly, but don’t break the skin or anything" vai "use a massage candle, which won’t burn" wtf? Tas taču skaidri norāda, ka nekāda bdsm nav.

Posted by: Witch-queen of Angmar ([info]lenora)
Posted at: September 12th, 2012, 01:41 pm

"Let him run an electric toothbrush between your toes mid-foreplay. He shouldn’t stop no matter how much you squirm."

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