December 11th, 2010 (08:51 pm)
ausis glauda: Vilkduja – Demonai ir dovanos antrukart
ausis glauda: Vilkduja – Demonai ir dovanos antrukart
Atradu PERFEKTU filmu, ko skatīties pēc garas maģistrošanas dienas!
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Es gribu, lai kāds no maniem dārgajiem telpaugiem saka "No shit!" un "Feeeeeeed me" tādā intonācijā!
Nemaz nerunājot par Stīvu Mārtinu, kurš mani parasti nenormāli kretinē ārā, bet sadistiska, no smieklu gāzes atkarīga zobārsta lomā ir vienkārši neatkārtojams!
I keep asking god what I'm for!
And he tells me,
"Gee, I'm not sure...
I know Seymour's the greatest
But I'm dating a semi-sadist.
When I was young and just a bad little kid,
My momma noticed funny things I did.
Like shootin' puppies with a BB-Gun.
I'd poison guppies, and when I was done,
I'd find a pussy cat and bash in its head.
That's when my momma said...
(What did she say?)
She said my boy, I think someday
You'll find a way
To make your natural tendencies pay...
You'll be a dentist.
You have a talent for causing things pain!
Son, be a dentist.
People will pay you to be inhumane!